About Us

Scottish-Monumental-Inscriptions was started by a group of friends in Scotland.
While researching our own ancestors last burying place - we found to our dismay the lack of pre-1885 information available on deaths.
A lot of the lair registers and burial registers were destroyed over the years and valuable information was lost due to neglect, or in some cases flood, some registers were kept by the Church ministers or the grave diggers themselves.
We hope that by photographing burial grounds around Scotland, we can preserve some of the old information from the gravestones, many of which are in a sad old state.
This information can then be transcribed and added to PDF.
We try our best to get out most weekends - sometimes with our wee tent, taking the tent depends on the area and distance we need to travel, if were going far its our best option and we do have a laugh, that way we can stop when we've had enough and settle down for the evening with a nice cuppa and a wee fish and chip supper.
Most of the time we remember the midge spray, but on a few occasions we've forgotten and been eaten alive- not a nice feeling I can assure you.
At the weekend we would head off and photograph our ancestors stones, only to find out when we went home and added them to our tree, that there were more relatives buried in the same cemetery, that meant a trip back again and again, so we got into the habit of photographing the whole cemetery.
Genealogists and local Family History Societies heard what we were doing and asked if we considered doing it across Scotland as a lot of the old burial ground records were lost, so we agreed.
This for us was the start of Scottish Monumental Inscriptions.